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The Real Politics

Today's issues are the result of choices made yesterday. Tomorrow's issues will be the result of the choices made today. How are we making these choices? What information are we using to make these choices, and as children of God are these choices biblical? I found this video interesting and wanted to share it with you as it is linked to the events we see today. Note the voice and photo of the judge speaking...Do you know who this is? The answer is Justice Antonin Scalia, that's right! the Supreme court judge who died earlier this year, causing the uproar of who will be next on the seat.. Will it be a judge who loves the Constitution and advocates for freedom? One might ask, What is freedom? This case turns this question on its head! This case is regarding the freedom to hand out Christian tracts in the Los Angeles Airport in the 80's. That's right every time you receive or give a tract, remember this case... Fast forward to today... If you recall recently at the beginning of this election year the current administration wanted to appoint a new judge right away... however it was usurped by the Republicans because it is an election year

and the new president will should be responsible for the appointment.. We should recall both candidates answers in the issue... Who would each appoint? This is a more weightier issue I think than the slapstick that has been going on. The laws that govern this nation and protect our rights to evangelize the word is at stake... Listen and think for yourselves..

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